Saturday, 5 April 2014

John Barban-Views on abortion

Views on abortion are different, but the truth is that abortion is a phenomenon that occurs here since time immemorial and methods were often terrible.

In prehistoric times has been the most common method of flushing the vagina with lemon juice. People at this time were not associated conception and sex - to serve a couple to conceive spells, magic and shamanic rituals. In 1850 BC, there were first indications that pregnancy can be interrupted contributed to the phenomenon that a pregnancy cans union of man and woman and supernatural powers.
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Great philosophers recognize abortion as a method to control the population. Hippocrates warned that women not take a highly toxic substance that killed a child and often a woman. To terminate an unwanted pregnancy recommended harsh and violent exercise. Another method was that women drank three days every morning liter of water in which the blacksmith initially cool the pliers. On cooling the metal could release small amounts of lead, and it could cause infertility.

With the advent of the church, some attitudes have changed. Even then examined when the fetus moves in the opinion of thinkers and soul can dwell in the body without feelings. Still set at the beginning of the 13th century frontier impunity abortion about the twentieth week. Unwanted children are still killing mostly after they were born, or miscarriage caused by a pregnant woman struck with great force into the abdomen, often and she died.

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